Monday, May 21, 2012

Underlying Cause of Disease

We are creatures of comfort.  If we are cold we may put on a coat or change the thermostat.  If you have some “dis-ease”, discomfort or symptom that is unpleasant you may seek help.  If you have a headache you may take an aspirin.  Aspirin was one of the first modern herb/drug products made from willow bark.  We are really a drug-orientated culture.  Is it wrong to take an occasional aspirin?  No but the key word here is occasional.
What was the cause of your headache?  It could be dehydration, constipation, stress, liver dysfunction, or hormone imbalance.  Any common symptom can have a variety of causes.  Conversely, any cause of disease, such as a toxin can display a different symptom in any given person.  The perfect example of this is all of the possible side effects a given drug can exhibit in a group of people.  Another great example is the many “natural” products that are multi-level marketed that make so many claims to “cure” this or that.  What works for one may not work for another!

The body’s first mechanism to eliminate a toxin is excretion.  Your nose runs, you vomit, you get diarrhea, or you sweat.  Even a woman’s monthly cycle could be part of this process.  Taking a drug makes the symptom go away by suppressing the signal, but it does not help eliminate the original reason for the problem.

Many drug therapies are started to compensate for lack of basic health such as good hydration, bowel function, and diet.  Unrecognized food allergies can be a major source of revenue for pharmaceutical companies.  The grains of the food pyramid are emerging as a major health risk for many.  Especially of you have an “O” blood type. 

The body is created with the ability to heal.  Unfortunately, there can be roadblocks to such healing.  Many roadblocks are self-induced.  Other roadblocks may include toxic substances such as pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, and over treatment with drugs and “natural” products. 

Excess supplementation could also put things out of balance.  Too little calcium can contribute to osteoporosis.  In the book, “The Reverse Effect”, too much calcium without the proper amount of magnesium can cause osteoporosis.  Balance is the key.

Stay Well!

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