Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Blessing

My Grandfather's blessing started with, "Father, give us grateful hearts for these tokens of Thy kindness."  My blessing starts with, "Heavenly Father, thank you for this food, bless this it to the nourishment of our bodies."  Can such a blessing change anything?  Absolutely!

It is easy to see and feel that giving thanks to God can change our inner being.  Such a positive thought is calming feeling of satisfaction.  It allows our bodies to be able to properly accept nourishment.

So often I have found myself saying "the blessing" from rote memory.  Words and thoughts can be powerful.  Giving voice to your thankfulness is powerful.  This is mindful intent. 

There is so much concern over the quality of food these days.  I believe that a mindful blessing can actually change the food.  We are asking God to consecrate the food and that the food will be able to nourish and sustain us.  Is this scientific?  Perhaps not in this world of so called "evidence based medicine".  However, in the world of quantum physics there is evidence of words that can change water.  The bible has many references to the spoken word. 

This Thanksgiving, I intend to be mindful of what I am asking.

In the name of Jesus Christ

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